Common Disbelief in Mankind

Posted in ex mea sententia by goprogressgo on August 21, 2009

1heartuThere’s so much that one person could do to satisfy their own animal urges to feel the justification of being an ass.  Absurd as it may be, being a bitch is the therapeutic absence of any conscience whatsoever.  That doesn’t mean, however, that people are bad; it’s the stress of living in an ever exploding world.   Everything one commits themselves to ends up becoming a paradox of priorities.  Do this or do that, it all blows up in your face.  That’s probably why humankind has made eschatological reason, in order to alleviate what we do in life.  Once the world ends, there’s nothing much more to do but live in an afterlife and maybe not even that.  Suspended in space and time forever and ever, ignorant of the life led before and prophetic of the life yet to be lead, sudden destruction has taken place.  With every outlet available to us in the form of internet, satellite television, spellcheck, etc… all these things create their own et cetera, that which culminates in feverish claims of being sons of god or sexual liberation.  How mortal we are, now more than ever.

Matters of doomsday truly do deter from the matter at hand.   If the world doesn’t ever end, what cultural insignificance do we have as coprolites of the twenty first century? Why has everything grown so cold, so metallic? Perhaps it’s not that it’s grown artificial but that it wasn’t ever genuine to begin with.   Standing outside, smoking a cigarette, in your own little way you contribute to growing global concerns about the weather.  Whether or not you drive or indeed smoke, the gases you emit into the air are nothing but uniform.  There are many different kinds of devices one uses to inevitably conquer all.  Love doesn’t exist anymore, only experimentation, and that’s besides a growing number of interest and curiosity for other sexual persuasions.  Perhaps orientation should be changed to persuasion, as it is just simpler to go on with life without the slightest bit of prudence in matters of this sort.  Again, we deter from the true problem of this all.  The planet itself is dying and perhaps it’s the lack of recognition of the earth as a planet.  When on land, one looks out onto the horizon, and if one lives in the plains such as I, the country horizon stretches for what seems to be infinity, from an urban perspective.  The earth is suspended in its own orbit in space, floating three planets away from the sun, a blue oasis of cloud, water and terrain that exists in the universe.   Perhaps the reason people are so bitchy is because of the fact that life may not exist anywhere else but here.  We are alone (most likely).

That said, being alone in the universe translates to being alone in the world.   That fear of not being able to pull out from a true waste of resources and not being able to survive on anywhere else starts to stress people out.  We are endangering ourselves, but is there such a thing as being able to extinct emotion? Fear of the coming apocalypse which we, not any deity, have succumbed unto ourselves is the biggest realization and foot in mouth.   Relationships with people are governed by their own level of comfort with the entirety of the human race.  Sexism, racism, ageism and homophobia all factor in on who we choose to associate with.  Misanthropy of any kind falls into one of two categories: fear and hatred.  To associate the word phobia is to suggest a fear of a certain group, object, place, nouns most of all.  To associate the suffix -ism creates, not necessarily a hatred, far from it, but a preference for that which is always opposite to whatever -ism is in question.  This accounts solely on nurture, not nature.  One is not born with dislike as standard factory installation although, I deign to believe I did, for myself.   Aside from misanthropy directly correlated unto yourself, one can hate a certain group that they are a part of.  Being gay, I sincerely dislike every type of gay, from butch to femme and all colors in between.   The fact is, this hatred, not necessarily of oneself but of one’s associative prowess, creates the need to express such dislike which in turn follows in a cycle where other groups seem more unfavorable than before.

What song comes to mind is “Across the Universe,” and the reason it comes up so vividly in the plain of emotion is because of its lack to apologize for monotony in one’s own life.  Nothing would change one’s world, because your world is composed of images, sounds, tastes and textures that are never concrete but when they are create a type of catalyst that enables one to examine his or herself to a point where the face you see in the mirror is not one of observation but of haughtiness.   No one is ever completely satisfied with oneself because what is self but the different things, immediately around you? However, it’s trite to try and blame those things on whatever because self has chosen to expose said variable to such states, such philosophies.   Besides being extremely ugly or extremely beautiful, those in the middle become either manic depressives or delusional narcissists.  Same goes for those in other extremes.  Is the earth the reason behind insecurity? Is gravity and other spatial phenomena the reason behind such internal chaos? Perhaps it’s just a matter of perfection, the desire for it and the ultimate realization that nothing really matters but the weather.  We might all be bitches, jerks, assholes and so on, but living in such a fragile state isn’t always all of our own fault. There are so many things that I can’t contend to, that I dislike, that I appreciate and that I damn. But there are so many things.